Sunny Naveen and Rohini Rachel are set to star in the upcoming movie “Jaitra”, directed by Thota Mallikharjun Thota. The release date has been announced...
It’s finally happening! Production on the highly anticipated Tamil movie, Lal Salaam, has officially begun. Directed by Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth, the movie stars Vishnu Vishal and...
On January 30th, a formal pooja ceremony was held for the upcoming movie starring Pawan Kalyan and Sujeeth. The movie, tentatively titled OG, is being...
Kartikeya’s much-awaited upcoming film Bedurulanka has been stirring up quite a bit of interest ever since it was first announced. The addition of DJ Tillu...
Sir Movie Telugu Trailer Vaathi Movie Tamil Trailer Actor Dhanush is creating waves in the entertainment industry with his upcoming movie, Vaathi. The official teaser...